A rope access technician is descending a steep, dusty slope anchored by ropes to a rockfall protection mesh. The worker wears a white helmet, an orange high-visibility jacket, and a harness. A cloud of dust envelopes the area, hinting at the challenging conditions of the environment.

Peacocks Gallop Rockfall Protection

The 2011 Christchurch earthquakes caused the cliffs above Peacocks Gallop in Sumner to suffer significant rockfall activity, resulting in the cliff retreat and edge collapse.

In 2016 Protranz began earthworks at the base of the cliffs and engaged Abseil Access to carry out rockfall protection work on the volatile area. Our crews spent six weeks scaling the top 15m of the cliffs to mitigate the imminent risk of rockfall impacting earth-moving works below. Several Hundred tonnes of unstable was remove using airbags and hand tools.

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